Sunday, March 18, 2012

Too Long!

Wow,  it has been to long since I was last on here. I know that not many read this but here is an update on our very busy life. First of all Keith is deployed at the moment, so as you can imagine my stress level has gone up immensely. I have actively started promoting my new business, Cherry's Cupcakes. I was in a car wreck a few weeks ago. Don't worry I am alright for the most part just a lot of bruising and a broken nose (which looks normal now.)  I do have a few recipes for you today.

Now I know everyone loves "Fish and Chips" well here is your healthy alternative.

The "Chips"
First have you ever had asparagus, and I don't mean wrapped in bacon or soaked in butter from a can I am the fresh stuff you buy in the produce aisle! Well go buy some, also get some olive oil if you don't have any. Now when you get home add about a tablespoon of olive oil to a hot pan. Add the asparagus, stir it around a few times add a few sprinkles of pepper and garlic salt ( to taste) and you have an amazing snack! I usually let my asparagus fry for about 10 mins or so because I like the crunch. Keith says it reminds him of french fries.

The "Fish"
OH deep fried cat fish how I love thee! But you know what I love more eating healthy and my tasty alternative. First get pick your favorite fish fillet. Now for the batter use one egg, 1/2 cup of almond flour and grind up 1/2 cup of sunflower seeds ( I used our bullet). Mix the flours together add a few of your favorite spices, I used lemon pepper  and garlic salt. Here is where you would add the egg and mix it together.  Oh I forgot to let you know to turn the oven on to 350. Ok now grease your pan with olive oil. Now instead of dipping the fish into the batter what you are gonna do is put a think coat on one side and bake for about 20 mins.

And Tada!!!!

Oh! Here is a picture of what I mixed in (except the sunflowers)

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